Bah bloody humbug today! First of all, I would ban fireworks. My poor dog has spent the last three nights behind the sofa with his tail between his legs. That's when he hasn't been running up and down the back of the sofa barking giving me earache. Mind you, there has definitely been fewer bangs than last year, have you noticed that? Maybe firework night will fade out in favour of the quaint transatlantic tradition of going round in gangs, demanding favours and throwing eggs at old peoples houses eh? Yep that's right, I'd ban halloween too.
And and and......on Saturday evening driving back from the local garage I saw my first christmas tree, displayed in some sad gits porch. On November the 3rd!!! Arrgghh.....if I were Queen I'd ban all mention of, advertising of and displays relating to, Christmas till December 1st. Three weeks is plenty enough time to think about the two days of excess that skints everyone for the complete first half of next year. Oh I'm getting old! Have you seen Grumpy Old Women on the telly? That's me that is......
But here's something you might be interested in - I'm going through the thousands of photographs I have on my PC of me in varying states of undress. I thought I would upload some of the less salicious ones to my Adultwork private gallery. What do you mean, you want the salicious ones! Oh all right then.....I'll pick the dirtiest ones I can :) Don't forget you get the password if you make a booking with me! Oh and all through November I am doing a special one hour fee of just £130. We all have to save our pennies for the dreaded festive season innit? Tut.....
Here's one to start you off........have a lovely Monday! xx

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