
Aim for the gutter - you can't miss

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

So what do you do? Do you become cynical and suspicious? Or shrug it off as human nature? I'm talking about Hannah and I getting short changed in our fee yesterday by quite a substantial amount. It was handed over in a tight roll as he was going out the door. No we didn't get it up front. No we didn't count it. Bad, bad girls! Serves us right eh? It's supposed to be the golden rule of escorting, always get the fee up front. Well you can't take the goods back can you! And always count it in front of the gent, for both your sakes to avoid any unneccessary confusion. I hold my hands up here, I hardly ever ask for it if it's not offered right away. And after a while, well you both have other things on your minds eh? Do you know what, I like to expect the best of people, trust if you like. If you expect the best of folk the vast majority deliver their best to you, people do actually WANT to be liked and to feel great and to connect with another human on a good level. Good karma innit (oh shut up Hannah!) Sometimes, like yesterday, you are disappointed and let down by a bad egg. Such is life, and indeed business. But I'd rather go on believing that everyone I meet is a nice person than become hardened and mistrusting.

On a lighter note, I am still bird watching. Stay awake at the back's been a busy year in my garden, I've had nests and babies and a family of great spotted woodpeckers visiting, Mum, Dad and Junior. While we're at it, are you wondering why you are not woken each morning by the dawn chorus even though it's still officially summer (ha!)? It's cos bird song is almost exclusively territorial and now the breeding season is over there's no need for them to try to out-Pavarotti each other at 4am. Bless 'em. This ornithological snippet brought to you curtesy of Nescafe. And I need another. Have a great day....

Coral, out.....