It's a British institution isn't it, talking about the weather? Too hot, too cold, too wet, hose pipe bans etc.
Had a lovely BBQ with friends on Saturday. That's what life's all about, kicking back with a few drinks and some great food, chatting into the small hours.
Been finalising some plans today with my partner in crime Hannah. She's coming over for a couple of days this week and we will see some clients and have lots of fun. We're having some naughty new 2Curvy photos taken too, so watch out for those!
Also making plans for my first ever tour to Bristol which should be good. Not sure if it counts as a 'tour' though as it's only a few junctions up the M4 from me lol. Anway I'm doing 2 parties there with the Voluptuous ladies on July 6th so I'm looking forward to that.
What else? Oh yeah, what do you think I should do with a text stalker? Got some prize wanker keeps texting me idiotic questions. Does he not know how easily mobile numbers can be traced? I'm maintaining a dignified silence at the moment but my patience is wearing very FUCKING THIN.......
It's clouding over at the moment here in Oxfordshire. It looks like there might be some light rain. Peter Kay fans will appreciate this
"It's spitting!!!!!!"
Album of the day is the Beatles blue one
Here's me in a hat. Don't laugh....

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