What's with the tits on Big Brother? No not Mikey and Glyn. Those massive swellings on the front of Lea and now Suzy. What's with all the body deformities in there? Oversized tits and cocks (Pete allegedly. I shall have to look closer and report back)Tiny little sticks for arms and legs (Grace and Nikki) that look like they will snap in a strong wind. Boys dressed up as girls, girls that look like boys (Lisa)
I cant watch anymore, my waist measurement is over 30 inches. Its not allowed.
Today I have mostly been HOT. Not pleasant hot either but sticky sweaty need-a-shower-every-hour kind of hot. You have to put your hair up in a bun or it sticks to your neck kind of hot. You cant even sit at the PC for very long as your naked clammy skin sticks to the leatherette type chair and makes you wince as it hurts when you get up kind of hot.
My dog keeps pathetically putting his ball in front of me in the hope of some garden play. Some chance.
Anyway off to London tomorrow so here's hoping it's cooler or that the hotel has got decent air con or both actually.
Song of the week Rogue Traders Voodoo Child
I shall leave you with a picture of a real pair of tits. Mine actually. covered in oil and water. I'm so good to you :)

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